1.92 Minden EGY helyen, hírek, linkár, cégkatalógus

US warns of a Russian effort to sow doubt over the election outcomes in democracies around the globe
2023-10-21 [abcnews.com]
The U.S. is warning other democracies that Russia appears to be opening up a new front in its covert campaign against democracy by sowing doubts about the reliability of elections in general Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thegeneralgetyearsPrizecaneightwithdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardomUNITEDleadscloseFiredemocraciesand2001comeUnderbecominghassow

Niger faces crippling sanctions after coup as one of the last democracies in the Sahel crumbles
2023-07-31 [news.yahoo.com]
 Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thecloseFire2001andcomeUnderbecominghasdeportationsComessharingknownAnnanSaudiRecordTimesecularKofiChiefcovergeneralNobellaudedPeace
