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Apple Releases Pencil Pro With Haptic Feedback and New Gestures - CNET
2024-05-07 [news.cnet.com]
The new iPad Pro and Air models revealed today will get a new tool with squeeze and barrel roll gestures. Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theandwithgetnewcovergeneralSaudiNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegesturesyearsProPrizecanszerinteightdiplomatNATIONSorganizationsuperstardom

Using Moto Gestures Is One My Favorite Ways to Take a Photo on Any Phone - CNET
2024-04-18 [news.cnet.com]
Commentary: Turns out, Motorola had shortcuts figured out 10 years ago. Részletek >

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