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Can conservative Latin American populists motivate the Hispanic vote? Republicans are counting on it
2024-02-28 [abcnews.com]
In this U.S. election year, the Republican Party is aligning with some Latin American populists Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: thecanwithsharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofideportationsChiefcovergeneralSaudiNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetpopulistsyearsPrizeeight

Polish state media bosses sacked, populists occupy TV buildings
2023-12-20 [news.yahoo.com]
 Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: theUnderbecominghasComessharingknownAnnanRecordTimesecularKofideportationsChiefcovergeneralSaudiNobellaudedsecretaryPeacegetyearsPrize

How Trump and Johnson, divisive populists with many similarities, ended up on different paths
2023-06-16 [abcnews.com]
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump have quite a bit in common as two populist iconoclasts in hot water after leaving the top office in their respective nations Részletek >

Címkék, kulcsszavak: TheandwithNATIONSbecoming2001hasSaudiComesknownsharingAnnanRecordsecularTimeKofiChiefcoverszerintgeneralNobellaudedsecretaryPeaceget
